Prayer and A Field of Grass

Quote Peter Leavitt "“Let ourselves see the constant prayer a field of grass makes.”

How often do we sit (during this time of isolation from family and friends) and ponder how life can throw curve balls into the best laid plans for activities, for work, for life in general. I have lived for more than 70 years and do not remember a time when all the things I might want to do were not available! But today I sit alone at home and watch the grass literally growing outside my front door. Yes, it's spring and that's the natural thing for grass to be doing....but....

When I saw this quote today by Peter Leavitt "Let ourselves see the constant prayer a field of grass makes", I thought of how blessed I am to live in a country that values the freedom of worship. Today in many countries around the world, Christians are being martyred and churches burned, in the hopes of crushing Christian faith. But true faith cannot be crushed or defeated because the spirit lives on, so,

Let us today be breathing a constant prayer even as the grasses.

Easter morning tells us He is coming again!



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