Hurricane Season!

Today I'm on the schedule to work at ArtTrends Gallery...the weather has a hurricane heading across Florida in our direction but for the next few hours it's cloudy with rain falling occasionally. Tonight the winds and rain will pick up and I'll be tucked in at home hoping no trees come falling thru my roof!

Was thinking how storms in our art life often send us into hiding or at least seeking cover! What kind of storms you ask....well, how about the unexpected closing of a gallery where you have shown for a few years and have been successful with sales? or how about the gallery that calls and they want you to pick up your work due to lack of sales? or how about rejection from a show where you have won awards in years past? or how about rejection of a commission that you've worked on for months! I'm sure you can remember some other "storms" that have happened without warning at times in your art career.

Storms in our creative life happen....just like the approaching hurricane. Be prepared to accept rejection, loss of income, or whatever storm you face knowing that "the sun will come out tomorrow".

(always the optimist)

"and then she said"
24 x 24 Mixed Media


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