Be Careful of Envy!

Linda Blondheim is a wonderful artist and friend who often shares her wisdom about being an artist with her followers on FaceBook. Today her post on envy really struck a cord with me and knowing that others often deal with this problem, I ask to share her thoughts with all of you. She graciously said yes.

Artists Be Careful of Envy
(by Linda Blondheim)

As you make changes in your career path of painting methods or marketing, it is common to be unsure of the results. It is easy to become jealous of the success someone else may achieve on the path you left. I was guilty of this myself in my younger, hubris filled days.
Many artists jump on various band wagons of seeming success to get publicity and to join the crowd. Sometimes it is wise to leave the wagon and go out on your own. Publicity doesn’t mean much if it doesn’t produce regular sales. If you really don’t enjoy the venues you are using, are they worth your time? Out time as a creative is precious. We should use it well and wisely.
It can be scary to do this. Don’t make the mistake of letting envy dictate your decisions. If you close a career path door, leave it closed with no regrets. Focus your energy on the next adventure and new opportunity. It is ok to be different. You might have to work harder at promotion. You may have to study your craft to constantly improve your work. You might have to be more determined. You might have to have an unerring faith in yourself and in those who support you.
Don’t waste a moment envying another’s success. Celebrate for them and for yourself because you are on a new path.
Thank you, Linda!
You can find her paintings at
and here's one of my recent oil paintings, 48x24 gallery wrap canvas.


  1. I loved her post also, Carly. All of us as artists sometimes have to deal with envy of another artist. She also had posted something similar a few days or week ago... equally as well said. Thanks for using it for one of your posts... maybe many will take heed of this and nip it in the bud when they start having any feelings of envy. Better to congratulate an artist, wishing them well with what they are doing. Love you, girlfriend, even if we don't get to spend much time together!


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