
Showing posts from November, 2018

Painting Abstract Plein Air

This is a demonstration using oil pastels in outdoor painting (plein air). My set up shows two substrates ready for painting. I chose two because the first painting takes some time drying when the turpenoid is applied giving me ample time to create the second painting alla prima. I'm standing on a floating dock next to the Altamaha river. 1. The set up     A pad of Sennelier oil pastel paper (in case I have time for a larger work)     Two small pieces of Ampersand sanded paper      Set of Sennelier oil pastels 2. The pad is used behind the Ampersand as a backing.     First layers of oil pastels are applied to the horizontal sheet.     The first image shows the riverbank in the direction I'll be painting. Loose strokes are used to apply shapes. Then using the turpenoid, I brush over the oil pastels blending. While the turpenoid is drying, I work on the second painting. Using a small box of mixed br...