Christmas Wisdom!
Christmas comes but once a year and what an impact it has upon all of us! Traffic picks up slowly as the month progresses until its at a fever pitch the week before the big day! Shoppers scurry to catch holiday bargains before they disappear, and yet amid all this hustle and bustle, it's the time of the year when we stop to reflect on what the year has brought and how our lives have been changed during its passing. I, for one, have much to be thankful for! Here's some words of wisdom taught by my grandmother....appropriate for the Christmas season. Collect friends..... Never step over someone who is down, lend a hand to help them up..... Being nice is not an option..... and one that I especially like, Get up and get on with life! Christmas is the time for friends, for helping others less fortunate, and getting on with life. The New Year is just around the corner! May all of you experience the love of Christ this Christmas Season! carly